Friday, April 13, 2012

Spanish ¨pork¨

The training is starting to get a bit difficult.  Instead of one long run a week my stupid chart is asking me to do two long runs a week.  Today I ran for one hour and fifty two minutes, a distance of 14 miles, or according to my super high tech watch 1500 calories worth of running.  The chart says this Sunday I need to run 17 miles.  I´m beginning to dislike my chart.  I mean really, it´s on my fridge staring at me every time I go to get some food, and now that it tells me I need to run more I´m eating a lot more, which means I´m reminded over and over again about the long runs on Thursdays and Sundays.  Damn you chart!

For those who don´t know me, which I´m sure just about everyone who visits this blog does, I like politics.  I studied them at UCSD and I continue following them even though it does me no good other than it makes me laugh from time to time.  If you look back to the pictures I took the other day during my run you will see a picture of an airplane.  You might ask yourself why there´s such a big old airplane in the middle of the park?  Well I´ll tell you...  Every so many years Europe chooses a city to be the cultural capital of Europe.  If a city is granted with this title they get money to restore historic relics.  Córdoba´s government got the idea to advertise on the airplane, Córdoba 2016 Cultural Capital of Europe.  There are two reasons I find this funny.  1.  Córdoba has an airport that was built for commercial flights, but after a short period of time they realized it was losing a lot of money and was forced to close.  Not only that, Córdoba has nothing to do with the history of airplanes.  2.  Córdoba lost their bid to be the cultural capital.  I don´t mean to be offensive to this great city that has a very important historic and cultural heritage, but in comparison to all the other cities who have won this award  I would say there wasn`t much of a chance.  Now Córdoba has an airplane in the middle of a park doing nothing and that says something irrelevant.  It´s only going to cost more money to turn it into something useful or to get rid of it.  Talk about a waste of money!




Dom said...

haha thats some funny stuff dude! me likey

Canario said...

I forgot to tell you I'm Paco, from Trilingua. ¡I like the blog and your nice job in Guatemala!

Paco Rojas

Canario said...

Hi Walter, good post and is all true...except for one point: "....Córdoba has nothing to do with the history of airplanes...." ¡not exactly!. I told you about the anecdote of the plane and "Córdoba 2016" but I forgot to mention the Ibn Firnas history, a very interesting man who lived here, in Córdoba more than thousand years ago.

History has many windings and hiden corners, and here in Córdoba there were a man who got to fly 500 years before Leonardo and more than one thousand years before Wright brothers. Today he has named a new bridge here in Córdoba, more than one Airport around the world (i.e. Bagdad) and even a crater in the Moon!!.

Some links about him (even one link of Houston University):

videos of the bridge:


Apparently even one of the first parachute jumps (if not the very first) was also here in Córdoba in 852, and the flight in 875)

¡Enjoy the links!